

Inspired Insights are my little inspirations to help you live a happy life.


Posts tagged youinspired
I was happy letting Life lead me....and then it stopped.

I was SO happy being dragged around by LIFE. I had worked so hard to train LIFE! I put processes and systems in place for my work and for my family life to allow for routines and clients to lead me from task to task. I could go to bed feeling tired, wake up energised to grab the end of that leash and start running behind my healthy, happy, bouncy, LIFE.

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Broken Hearted?

Have you ever experienced heartbreak? When you were a child, did you lose your favourite toy or were you hurt by your best friend? As you got older, maybe you were hurt by your first love or felt misunderstood by your parents? More recently, maybe you have experienced the loss of someone close to you or experienced rejection. When a relationship ends for whatever reason or we experience sadness or pain, we describe it as a ‘broken heart’. Well, here is something interesting to think about…what if it isn't really your heart that breaks? What if the thing that you break is in fact, your ego?

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Are your expectations limiting others?

I saw this cartoon by Darío Castillejos on social media and it really resonated with me. The timing was perfect as I was wrapping up a week which was full of non-stop chatter, coaching and discussions reflective of what this picture depicts, which is this confronting question:

“are your expectations of yourself limiting the potentials of others?

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Been fishing? How's your catch?

When you think back to moments in your life when you wanted for something - can you recall how satisfied you were after you got it? You probably couldn't wait for it and probably got excited every time that you thought about having it. But when you got what it is that you wanted, how long did that satisfied feeling last? Can you recall how long before you were taken by something else you wanted?

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