

Inspired Insights are my little inspirations to help you live a happy life.


Posts tagged intention
I was happy letting Life lead me....and then it stopped.

I was SO happy being dragged around by LIFE. I had worked so hard to train LIFE! I put processes and systems in place for my work and for my family life to allow for routines and clients to lead me from task to task. I could go to bed feeling tired, wake up energised to grab the end of that leash and start running behind my healthy, happy, bouncy, LIFE.

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Core Intentions

Happy New Year!  I hope you have had an amazing start to 2016!

Did you notice that as soon as the flood of electronic Christmas wishes ended, a flood of electronic “New Year Resolutions” took over? My email and Facebook was taken over by posts and articles on how to make resolutions & how to stick to these resolutions. But now, towards the end of the month, I’m getting a few on how to ditch the resolutions altogether and how there’s no point anyway! What’s going on here? Are we all aiming too high? Are we being unrealistic? Are we just lazy? It’s pretty interesting (and a little funny) to see how we can raise the bar at the start of the month and 3 weeks into it, take that bar down and beat ourselves to a pulp with it.

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