

Inspired Insights are my little inspirations to help you live a happy life.


Posts in Mindset
I was happy letting Life lead me....and then it stopped.

I was SO happy being dragged around by LIFE. I had worked so hard to train LIFE! I put processes and systems in place for my work and for my family life to allow for routines and clients to lead me from task to task. I could go to bed feeling tired, wake up energised to grab the end of that leash and start running behind my healthy, happy, bouncy, LIFE.

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Broken Hearted?

Have you ever experienced heartbreak? When you were a child, did you lose your favourite toy or were you hurt by your best friend? As you got older, maybe you were hurt by your first love or felt misunderstood by your parents? More recently, maybe you have experienced the loss of someone close to you or experienced rejection. When a relationship ends for whatever reason or we experience sadness or pain, we describe it as a ‘broken heart’. Well, here is something interesting to think about…what if it isn't really your heart that breaks? What if the thing that you break is in fact, your ego?

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Filters to your reality

“I am dumb” - 10-year-old boy

“It will never work” - 32-year-old employee

“They always leave in the end” - 45-year-old divorcee

“I will probably do it. Maybe definitely” - 74-year-old President

Can you see the power of the above statements? They are so much more than some words strung together. While reading them, you may have thought about instances or imagined the people behind the quotes you read (although the last one was an easy one)! These words communicate so much more than a sentence, they are an indication into the belief systems of the people saying them.

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Are your expectations limiting others?

I saw this cartoon by Darío Castillejos on social media and it really resonated with me. The timing was perfect as I was wrapping up a week which was full of non-stop chatter, coaching and discussions reflective of what this picture depicts, which is this confronting question:

“are your expectations of yourself limiting the potentials of others?

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How do you get out of an emotional rut!

Life for just about everyone has taken a dramatic turn this year, wouldn’t you say? The world has essentially shut down for a spell, as we were forced to wear masks and disinfect our hands so frequently that they feel like sandpaper! All of a sudden, we are thinking hard about the need to go out of the house, to stock up on necessities and spend time with loved ones for far longer a period of time than we signed up for.

Of course, with these changes, we are bound to go through emotional ups and downs. There are days where we will manage our emotions well, and days where it’s not so well. In my sessions I find myself addressing the following question a lot, however it seems to have been amplified by the current times:

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How to make the most of your coaching journey!

So, you have decided to dive into some personal development and engage a coach to help! Congratulations! As with anything that has a very personal goal on the line, a very serious commitment must be made. But there is one thing that many people don’t prioritise, which leaves them unable to reach their full coaching potential. That’s consistency.

Consistency is the key to success, in whatever area of life you are focusing on. When it comes to coaching, consistency is more crucial than ever!

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When you’re the least loved in the family.

When I sit with my adult clients in a coaching session and we discuss their childhoods and their relationships with their parents, many say the same thing. “I know they loved me…in their own way, but I didn’t feel it all the time”. I always follow up with the question “so how do you know when you are being loved?” and that stumps them every single time. A standard answer is “because I feel good”

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The importance of The End.

My dream of ‘freedom’ is with an image of me strolling through the country side of some quaint little European village, the sun on my face and a warm fresh breeze blowing through my hair. Time is endless and I am able to choose how I spend it. I am happy and relaxed. That’s the dream I have, writing to you from this venue one day in the future. FREEDOM.

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