

Inspired Insights are my little inspirations to help you live a happy life.


Posts tagged self-confidence
From the mouths of babes

Over the course of three days this week, I had the pleasure of delivering a series of leadership seminars to over one hundred children, aged 11 and 12, across Australia. It was an awesome opportunity that I thoroughly enjoyed. The focus of my discussion was to introduce ways to manage extreme emotions, especially nerves. At the start of one my workshops, we were getting to know each other a little more and I asked what time everyone had woken up that day. One sweet little 11 year old from Victoria volunteered that she woke up early, as she normally gets up at around 5:30am. Willingly! I was so surprised and curious, I asked her what wakes her up so early. She said no-one wakes her up and she doesn’t have any musical instruments to practise or any sports to play so early. She just does it because she likes to “reflect” at that time.

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Building Quality Relationships - Part 1

Many would claim the quality of a relationships is based on the level of trust they have with the other person. However, what many have not considered is that the quality of a relationship is how we connect through trust with the other. That is to say, trust isn’t the unbreakable entity that unites two people in a relationship, trust is the mode of connection that is chosen again and again.

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Been fishing? How's your catch?

When you think back to moments in your life when you wanted for something - can you recall how satisfied you were after you got it? You probably couldn't wait for it and probably got excited every time that you thought about having it. But when you got what it is that you wanted, how long did that satisfied feeling last? Can you recall how long before you were taken by something else you wanted?

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