

Inspired Insights are my little inspirations to help you live a happy life.


Posts tagged kids
How to create emotional balance, simply

Is your emotional balance thrown way off where your children are concerned? Can the words kids and peace of mind even fall into the same sentence let alone exist in the same space of time?

It's so hard to separate our children’s emotions and their experience from ours. It almost makes us feel guilty to not share the same emotions - how can we have a good day when our child hasn't?

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It's the motivation that matters.

Motivation is the root of all successes. Regardless of your goal, regardless of how compelling your vision may be, most of us struggle to stick to our new years resolutions quite early on. As parents, we have an added responsibility to motivate our children too. We want to ensure they do their best at school, socially and look after themselves. If we can’t even motivate ourselves most of the time, how can we motivate someone else?

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