

Inspired Insights are my little inspirations to help you live a happy life.


Posts in Emotions
When you’re the least loved in the family.

When I sit with my adult clients in a coaching session and we discuss their childhoods and their relationships with their parents, many say the same thing. “I know they loved me…in their own way, but I didn’t feel it all the time”. I always follow up with the question “so how do you know when you are being loved?” and that stumps them every single time. A standard answer is “because I feel good”

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Been fishing? How's your catch?

When you think back to moments in your life when you wanted for something - can you recall how satisfied you were after you got it? You probably couldn't wait for it and probably got excited every time that you thought about having it. But when you got what it is that you wanted, how long did that satisfied feeling last? Can you recall how long before you were taken by something else you wanted?

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